Site settings
Site settings are pretty self explanatory. This page contains high-level settings about your site including site name and the primary Notion page URL.
Site name
Change and update your site name, this will be used as the main page title for SEO and will appear in the browser.
Notion Page URL
This is your direct link to your website content in Notion. This should be the page in Notion that contains all other pages as a sub-page and is published to the web in the sharing menu.
Adding a favicon for the site
A favicon is the small icon that appears in the tab of your browser whilst someone is viewing your site and alongside your site name when someone bookmarks your site.
Site languages and RTL support
Super has RTL support available for certain languages of the world (Arabic, Hebrew etc.) that are RTL, meaning they are read right-to-left, instead of left-to-right.
Notion options
Notion comes with many features by default. However, there are cases where you might want more control over how certain aspects of the Notion interface appear on your website. From page properties to personal information visibility, you can use these options to tweak how certain Notion features appear on your Super site.
Enabling database page properties
This option allows you to make database properties visible on your site so they appear as though they would in Notion.
Enabling database views
This option allows you to enable or disable database views on your site.
Enabling site search
Super sites have an option search feature which will display a small search icon on the top right of your site. This gives users the ability to search for pages within your site. The default search on Super sites has always indexed page titles only.
Advanced site search
In the Pro Tier, you also have an option to enable advanced search. With advanced search all page and database content is indexed. The search results are meaningfully organized for site visitors—Page titles match first, then headings, then body content.
Theme toggle
This option enables a toggle button to the navigation menu which allows users to switch between light and dark mode color options for your site.